Diabetes Type II-Reverse it Naturally

Film: Reversing Diabetes in 30 days
Discussion: A plan for you
“Our goal at Putnam Healing Arts is to promote wellness. We want to reverse the growing trend of metabolic disordered illness such as: Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, Digestive disorders, Arthritis, Gout, IBS and others. We take a holistic approach in which the individual, their environment, their emotions, their family and their goals are all addressed.”
Join us  to discuss reversing Diabetes including the viewing of a film: Reversing Diabetes in 30 days and an education and discussion period to follow.

Join for the very low group price of $25.00
Which includes light refreshment, film, discussion, materials

metabolic condition


Type II Diabetes is increasing at alarming proportions throughout the population. Here at Putnam Healing Arts we encourage a holistic approach to wellness.  Join us  to discuss metabolic disorders and to view a film on reversing diabetes in 30 days as well as education and a discussion period to follow..

Most people can reverse Type II Diabetes if they adhere strictly to a natural plan of regular exercise, and a diet that eliminates processed foods, “diet foods” , white breads, white rice, high fructose, sodas, and added sugars completely. The goal is to reduce the tremendous demands on the body, allow the Leptin feedback loop to operate correctly, return the body to a slightly alkaline state which allows the intestinal flora to return to health and reduces the growth of Candida which wreaks havoc throughout the system.

This is sometimes found to be a challenging regiment for some people and they may choose instead to “manage their Type II Diabetes”, rather than to reverse it. These are two distinctly different choices. Whichever choice the person decides to make, many people still have difficulty complying with their goals and find themselves sabotaging their efforts over and over even though they sincerely believe they are focused on that goal.

Very often we find that the blocking saboteur behind this behavior is a subconscious conflict that runs counter to the goal. At the root of that subconscious conflict are most often emotional issues: fears, anxieties, and old traumas that put the brakes on progress.  Most often the person doesn’t even know this emotional block is present or that it could be related to their metabolic condition. This causes a frustrating inability to attain success.So how can they overcome these blocking factors and emotions? Can anything be done ?

Yes, we at Putnam Healing Arts can help with these issues and remove these obstacles using integrated techniques such as EFT, Hypnosis, Reiki, Stress Reduction, Visualization, and Coaching. People are astounded sometimes at their ease of success after they have been cleared of the obstructive and self sabotaging behaviors that have left them feeling hopeless and defeated in previous attempts to overcome their condition and their related urges and cravings.

As we have all heard in the media and from the experts, Type II Diabetes is a metabolic problem where the body can’t deal appropriately with blood sugar. Specifically, the body’s insulin—which is a protein produced in specialized cells in the pancreas—is not able to get glucose into the body’s cells because the receptors in the membrane surrounding the cells become resistant to insulin and insulin is the key that helps open the door. That causes elevated levels of blood sugar in the bloodstream and around the cells. The excess sugar which can’t be utilized then creates an acidic environment in all different parts of the body and wreaks havoc. Yet with all this glucose/blood sugar everywhere causing this toxic environment, the body is barely able to get any of it into the cells which are starving for nutrition and as a result are unable to create their enzymes and proteins that allow them to repair and maintain themselves and export proteins to contribute to the whole body’s health. This is true of all cells including pancreatic cells, cells used in digestion, in circulation and the heart, cells used in healing and immunity, cells used in kidney repair as the kidneys work overtime to try to remove the toxins from the system, cells used for all the building blocks and repair proteins and energy source everywhere in the body.

If a person decides on the course of action to reverse this metabolic disorder, then we work together with them and their medical team to aggressively restore the body’s health, oxygenation and pH. We always advise our clients to remove all processed foods and sugars from the diet and ask that a whole, organic foods diet be adopted. We have them adopt, also, a method of eating those foods in proper combination that will support an slightly alkaline internal body pH and will also prevent further damage and irritation to digestive organs and all the body systems. This is absolutely crucial, and treatment to reverse Type II Diabetes will not work without the client’s commitment to this plan of action.

We also advise that a regular exercise program be adopted whether the goal is to reverse or to maintain. We use integrated healing techniques and time honored folk remedies and coaching support, but our primary treatment is dietary change and exercise and removal of emotional blocks and limiting beliefs. When clients follow the guidelines, most people can reverse Type II Diabetes and may reduce or no longer need to take their conventional medications. Of course that will be done only under careful professional oversight in cooperation with the client’s medical doctor.

This approach works because the body will heal itself when given the right conditions. When people take full responsibility for their food choices and lifestyle choices that affect overall health and also decide to work with their emotions , conflicts and stressors, get help from the supportive group and all work as a team, the symptoms of Type II Diabetes can completely disappear. We, at Putnam Healing Arts, emphasize the identification and treatment of the root causes of this or any disorder or health condition in order to restore health.

Join the group at the very low price of $25.00

Which includes light refreshment, film, discussion, materials


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