Supporting the Immune System Reducing Stress Overload

Learn how the body is a miracle of healing and how it does this for us every minute of our lives.
Learn about fight, flight or freeze; and how our body reacts to stress.
Learn about chronic Pain…Learn new responses.

Supporting the Immune System Reducing Stress Overload

$25.00 includes meeting and light refreshment

Getting sick, whether with a cold, flu or any illness is generally caused by your immune system being challenged. This is most often related to stress. Even the stress of vacationing or the stress of a big event can be challenging to our system, though we may see it as a fun or joyful event.

Clearly then, school or work deadlines (even the name is stressful!), pressures with your job, a family or health crisis, or money, safety and security issues all contribute to a stress overload on your immune system. It is the same for our children and even our pets.

When we feel overwhelmed and nervous, when we experience alarming sights or sounds, feel sensory overload, fear the unknown, are confused or do not know what is happening, have no control over the outcome of events in life- all contribute to excess stress and immune system challenges.

Most of the time, the stress causes a reaction in the body which we may feel as a clutching in the stomach, restricted breathing, an increased heart rate Pain in our body, or a tightening of our muscles, among other symptoms. This is the result of a natural “fight or flight” reaction that instinctively takes over and sends out chemical messengers to the system to prepare the body to survive percieved threats.

The body, when alerted in this way, prepares for the worst. Most often, the outcome in these cases is quick and physically active: we club the attacking animal, the bear or the hungry lion; we violently defend against our attacker; or we run as fast as we can to safety.

However, most of the stress that we deal with is not of this immediate, life threatening kind. It is not the kind of threat that you can run from or beat with a club. Most of the daily stress that we deal with is in our thoughts and in our minds. We worry and ruminate on a problem over and over, or about what negative thing is going to happen a moment from now or tomorrow.

Another big stress in our life is remembering, with much emotion, the past negative events in our life. We replay these events over and over to ourselves like a re-looping tape. All this takes a toll on the body. All these worries and problem thoughts are still perceived by the body as dangers and threats. The body reacts by pouring all the chemicals that prepare the body to survive threats into the system.

And again, the stress-chemical response causes a reaction in the body of a hyper-alert state, of anxiety or fear which we may feel like a clutching in the stomach, or become restricted breathing, an increased heart rate, a tightening of our muscles, exhaustion, poor concentration, insomnia, or a number of other possible symptoms that have now become automatic reaction programs.

But the body is a miracle of healing and it does its healing job for us every minute of our lives. We can still be well and healthy if we allow that to happen, and if we support the body in healing by getting enough balance in our life. For example: by getting enough rest at the proper times, by balanced nutrition, healthy exercise; quality sensory and mental stimulation; good companionship, joy and gratitude; and by changing our negative thinking.

This we can do by identifying the negative thoughts and releasing them, releasing the emotions that go with the negative thoughts and by replacing those thoughts with healthy ones. Meditation is a superb way to support your body in it’s healing and to support your mind in it’s creativity and in achieving your goals.

In addition, Guided Meditations are also an excellent way to find solutions for your mind and body and to quiet anxieties. Guided Meditations can also be great fun exercises. You can go “Quantum Leaping” through time and space using your own guided imagery. This is like entering your own private movie where you find creative solutions to solve all kinds of problems and overcome any anxieties that you want! Plus, the process can be intriguing…kind of like entering a great book, and taking whatever turn that you would like, to get to whatever outcome that you would like.

This can allow you to step into your solution, to actually get there in reality. This can help you, to lead yourself to solutions to your own real time problem, the problem that you have been struggling with in the here and now.

There is another technique that is very supportive to the mind and body. A technique that is balancing to the body’s energy system, and that is acupressure. One very elegant type of acupressure is called EFT ( Emotional Freedom Techniques). EFT balances the acupuncture meridian system by combining gentle fingertip tapping (acupressure) on key points while focusing on physical or emotional issues or on affirmations. It is like acupuncture without the needles.

We can also tap on the chakra centers. These are concentrated energy centers in the body. The chakras also coincide with the crossing points of many meridian-system points. In addition, we can also tap on, or rub, the neuro-lymphatic points on the body to support lymphatic drainage. These methods and others are all supportive of the body’s immune, energy and vibrational system.

It’s not necessary to know all the chakra centers, or meridian points, or neuro-lymphatic points, or other anatomical map points. I have found that just the tapping or rubbing of a few select points and some scripts and techniques for certain conditions, can be very very effective in getting quick and amazing results, results that can change your thinking, change your emotions, change your habitual stress response, change your suffering, and change your life.

The Getting Started quick guide explains the basics so that you can get used to how to do the tapping and begin applying EFT right away. You may also want some information that will help guide you in understanding other healing modalities. Sign up for our newsletter. Contact us for more information. We’d love to hear from you. Join our newsletter and blog.

You will be able to experience some of these techniques as time allows. Check the calendar, call or email us for more details and reservation. $25.00 includes meeting and light refreshments. 845-228-8132 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              845-228-8132      end_of_the_skype_highlighting