
Eczema is an auto-immune response to a perceived invader. And there is more and more evidence that food intolerance (as well as food allergy) effects the immune system. Gluten intolerance grains and wheat, Yeast and milk protein (casein) in particular are all strongly linked to auto-immune reactions like skin irritation. Sugar, fruit juice, and combining of certain foods all are huge culprits in metabolic and autoimmune disorders such as this.

Join us for an introductory, very informative group on metabolic disorders. See list of events scheduled here.

metabolic condition

Some people live their whole lives with eczema without really trying to understand it. Having had it from childhood they seem to accept that they will have unsightly itching skin all their lives.

However, if a little understanding and education is applied the cause of the eczema can be quickly revealed. Join us for our Metabolic conditions workshops and groups and learn what freedom can be yours.