Pregnancy, Stretch Marks, and Lavender

Pregnancy, Stretch Marks and Lavender:

When you think about it, it’s strange that today, many pregnant women are discouraged from using herbs, which have been a major healing tool for thousands of years in pregnancy.   Women had traditionally given birth with the guidance of midwives, women healers and other experienced wise women of their communities.  Over time, the growing medical establishment put men at the helm and put high-tech medicine and pharmaceuticals in their stead.

Although we are grateful for the medical advances of today and welcome both genders as Physican-healers in Maternity care, the fine art of Midwifery is thankfully thriving in many birthing centers around the country (as it has been in Europe for decades) along with the herbalist, who is often the same person.

Some mainstream clinicians are concerned about using herbs with their pregnant patients for a number of reasons: Some herbs are helpful for an adult, but can adversely affect a developing fetus; some herbs can cause premature labor or possibly cause miscarriage; most medical professionals are not trained in the medicinal use of herbs, and are especially wary of drug interactions; and finally, liability in the Maternity field is a growing concern for practicing OB/GYN’s.  There is also the unfortunate fact that some DR’s just do not appreciate the healing power of herbal medicine because they lack the experience to know any different.

All this preface brings me to the point:  What simple herbal remedies can you use or apply without worry?  Let’s start in this month’s newsletter with a couple of wonderful ‘Belly Oil’ recipes that can prevent stretch marks (or reduce them) as well as can be used for calming the mother during labor as a massage oil, that mainly involve Lavender in a base of natural oils with essential vitamins.

The following recipe is from a book that outlines some very sensible uses of herbs in pregnancy titled:  ‘Herbs for Health and Healing’ (A Rodale Book):


“…To prevent stretch marks, use a massage oil specially designed for the expanding skin of your growing belly. I like to add lavender and cocoa butter, since both have reputations for preventing stretch marks. Almost all pregnant women, who tend to be fussy about smells, like the fragrance of lavender. One year, I experimented by replacing lavender with jasmine, but the pregnant women complained, saying, “But I liked it so much better when I used it for my first baby!” Now I stick with lavender.

Lavender is most fitting in an oil for pregnancy. A muscle relaxant, lavender flowers were traditionally heated and pounded into a poultice, then placed on the woman’s lower back to ease tension and loosen tight muscles during childbirth. As one of the first things the baby smelled, lavender also became a bonding fragrance. European mothers made lavender pillows for their children to sleep with as a reminder that they would always be loved.

It would be nice to see lavender return to the birthing room. Poultices are messy to make and use, however, especially during birth, when a pregnant woman is likely to be changing positions. Since a woman often appreciates massage during labor, the perfect solution is to use the lavender-scented belly oil as a massage oil.

Pregnant Belly Oil

4 400-International Unit vitamin E capsules

4 ounces almond (or any light vegetable) oil

½ ounce cocoa butter (available in drugstores)

15 drops lavender essential oil

Pop open the vitamin E capsules and squirt contents into almond oil. Heat mixture in a saucepan over low heat. Add cocoa butter. After cocoa butter melts, remove mixture from heat and let cool. Add essential oil and stir to blend. Massage the oil on your belly— or get someone to do it for you—at least once a day, or as often as you like.”

A second source of Belly Oil recipe comes from the following website,, which is an information site for the massage industry, concerning the oils, lotions and cosmetics ingredients appropriate to that industry:

Massage Oil recipe for use during pregnancy

1/2 cup. virgin olive oil
6 capsules vitamin E
1/4 cup. Aloe Vera Gel
4 capsules vitamin A

“First pour all ingredients into a blender, making sure to squeeze all oil out of the capsules before adding (discarding empty capsules). Blend well. Store in refrigerator and shake before use. Feel free to add scent with your favorite pregnancy-safe essential oil, such as lavender.”

Herbs were-and still are-a wonderful part of nature’s pharmacopeia, along with healing foods.  They can do so many wonderful things if used skillfully: reduce constipation and nausea, help ease contractions and tonify the Uterus, stop post-labor bleeding, among many other important tasks. We should use sense and be confident that, with the right information, the OB/GYN and midwife and/or Herbalist can work together in applying the responsible application of these wonderful plants in pregnancy, labor & delivery and post-natal care.

If you are looking for an excellent reference book on Herbs in Pregnancy, check out this title:

Herbs For A Healthy Pregnancy: From Conception to Childbirth- by Penelope Ody. 1999, Keats Publishing.