Childbirth Pregnancy


HypnoBirthing® is a rewarding, relaxing, stress free method of child birthing that is based on the belief that all babies should come into the world in an atmosphere of gentleness, calm and peace, and the baby should be able to securely bond, as soon as possible after birth, with mother and father/birth companion.

HypnoBirthing helps mothers align with their own innate capacity to be able to give birth gently, comfortably, powerfully and joyfully.

HypnoBirthing supports families during this powerful life-changing transition by helping them to reduce stress and fear which allows them more ease of birth plus a more relaxed and controlled ability to discuss options and make informed decisions whatever needs should arise during the birthing process.

What Determines the Success of HypnoBirthing?

Several factors determine the success of HypnoBirthing – the motivation and dedication of the parents, the support of the OB care provider, the parents (mainly moms) comfort with the chosen birth facility, and the avoidance of medical interventions. The focus on undisturbed birth is crucial. When other paths are chosen, different results may occur.

Nausea and Pregnancy
Many women experience nausea during pregnancy. This is most likely in the first 12 weeks. This is most often caused by blood sugar levels that are low and this actually increases nausea during pregnancy. To balance blood sugar levels, remove the processed foods, the white and bleached foods, remove the simple carbohydrates and high concentrated fructose juices, and foods  such as sugar, flour, and candy. Instead, choose whole grains and proteins as these foods will remain in your stomach longer and help prevent your blood sugar levels from spiking then dropping rapidly. Eat small meals six times or more a day. Sometimes a few bites of food every hour may be necessary.

Pregnancy, Stretchmarks and Lavender

What simple herbal remedies can you use or apply without worry?  Let’s start in this month’s newsletter with a couple of wonderful ‘Belly Oil’ recipes that can prevent stretch marks (or reduce them) as well as can be used for calming the mother during labor as a massage oil, that mainly involve Lavender in a base of natural oils with essential vitamins.

Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping

film: grand rounds with Dr Fogelson MD ob/gyn