Crystals and Gemstones

Crystals in Healing

Crystals/Gems are truly gifts from the earth. They are/were created in the cooling stages of the earths development. Formed of fire, crystals and gemstones are minerals-homogeneous inorganic solids. They have an orderly arrangement of atoms and a characteristic crystalline structure. They have an extremely high and orderly and exact rate of vibration. This has made them perfect for scientific, medical, and technological applications. They are used in every area of our daily lives: communications, fiber optics, lasers, credit cards, calculators, clocks, surgical instruments, diagnostic techniques.

Some minerals can be made of a single element, like gold. Others can be a compound of several elements, such as quartz. Two different minerals can be made of the same element. For instance, carbon is the element that makes up a diamond, but it is also the element that makes up graphite. A diamond is the hardest mineral and graphite is the softest. Both have the exact same chemical composition. But they have different arrangements of their atoms. So that the distinctive qualities and properties of each mineral has to do with the chemical composition and the patterned arrangement of it’s atoms.

What makes the patterned arrangement of a mineral differ from another has much to do with how it was formed. There are a few ways that mineral deposits form. They can come out of a low temperature solution, precipitating out. They can be formed from deep pressure and heat. They can also be formed by crystallizing from a magma source-extreme hot liquids or gas. So how the mineral originates has to do with the patterned arrangement of the mineral. In the case of the diamond, it takes extreme heat and pressure to be formed, but graphite takes little pressure.

A gem is a cut and finished crystal with higher monetary value. It may be more rare, more clear, more transparent, more hard, more brilliant, more colorful, or possibly more beautiful (though each person’s idea of beauty may differ).

Each crystal has a unique vibrational resonance. They owe their unique qualities to their mineral content, their inherent geometry and the colour frequency they emit.

Crystals and the Human Body

The human body has a complex electromagnetic system, also known as a vibrational energy. Nature has created crystals to be perfect electromagnetic conductors, capable of interacting with our electromagnetic system. Crystals have been found to carry vibrations, to resonate, as a result of  their chemical composition and the patterned arrangement of it’s atoms. This vibration of the crystal or gemstone activates certain energy centers within our body’s electromagnetic system, thus having a balancing effect on our body systems.

The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic systems of the body, work holistically together. Whenever there is an emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, or energetic trauma or disruption in the body or it’s field, energetic disturbances or blocks can occur that may result in dis-ease. So that even prior to manifesting the disease, and certainly after the dis-ease is manifested, the disharmonious vibration is there in the body and in the body’s energy field.

The body is a miracle of healing and seeks to restore balance as its default (morphogenetic) program. Crystals store energy, a certain rate of vibration, a specific patterned arrangement matrix structure, sound, light, color, fragrance, frequency, and memory. They have a certain morphogenetic field, piezoelectric properties, and pyroelectric properties. This means that they emit a charge when effected by pressure or heat.

The atomic similarity between the elements and minerals in crystals and the elements and minerals in the body allow for a communication and transfer of energy that can benefit our well being and facilitate vibrational balance. So that wearing or carrying a crystal can strengthen one’s health or strengthen one’s field. Intention can direct the energetic activity of the crystal. Also utilizing color and light can enhance crystal healing.

Here are some colors with a few of the associated healing properties.

Blue: Clears out negativity

Green: Health, Abundance, Nature

White: Your higher self and spiritual path,

Gold: Fuels, like the sun, energetic patterns

Rose: Love, Emotional healing

Crystal and gemstone essences: place charged crystal in water or tincture for a few hours in the sun or moonlight, and use the tincture to drink or apply for healing. Or you may heat the crystal in distilled water and use the hot water for pouring over herb for tea.

You may use the crystal by moving it over the chakras or the meridians with the intent to clear and balance and release negative emotions. The crystal is usually held in the sending hand, usually the right hand or dominant hand, with the tip pointing up and out. Finger positions on the crystal, enhance or influence the effect of the crystal. Hold the index finger on one of the tip faces and as you move the finger toward the tip you focus energy like a laser. Moving away from the tip broadens and widens the field area affected.

The thumb acts as a sensor and can vary the vibrational rate and frequency of occilation by moving the thumb up and down the surface of the crystal. Four hand motions are used with crystals: A clockwise circular motion that moves energy into the treatment area or increases the charge; A counterclockwise circular motion that moves energy out of the treatment area or withdraws the charge; A steady motion with slight movements while finding the optimum position for greatest field strength; And an up and down motion and in and out or back and forth motion creating oscillating field vibrations.

When you are working in a circular motion, you are visualizing light, when working the crystal up and down or back and forth you are focusing on vibration and sound. The energy emanating from a charged crystal is spiral. You may rotate it out from you creating a broader field.

Coming Soon:

Caring for, charging, cleaning, amplifying and smudging crystals and stones.

Healing and spiritual properties of crystals and gemstones.

Laying on of stones.

Crystal Grids.