Understanding Ourselves Through our Relationships


Understanding Ourselves Through Our Relationships

And Build Thriving and Healthy Relationships

Do you find yourself repeating the same pattern, drawn into the same negative relationships over and over?  Do you fall into the same arguments with your teen or partner despite your best intentions that this time it w ill be different? Do you sense you are revisiting the same family dramas today that you had as a child?

In every part of our lives, we are effected by the relationships we have with others, and in turn, effect those around us. Whether it be with a partner, parent, child, sibling, co-worker or friend, there is always the possibility to deepen one’s insight and improve communication.  And yet, the most signif icant relationship we all experience is that with our inner selves, which is also reflected in the people and environments that make up our lives.

Come explore an introductory workshop that will help you grow in confidence and clarity using creative techniques that nurture the mind, body and spirit.  Learn how to change automatic responses and your reactions; learn how to stop self-sabotaging yourself with your boss or co-workers; how to re-establish a new rapport with others and learn to love and forgive yourself and the mistakes of the past.

Cost: $35 per person, which includes an information packet, and light refreshments.

Or, if you wish to pay cash, you may call or email to reserve your space.  mag@putnamhealingarts.com or 845-228-8132

We look forward to seeing you!