EFT How does it Work

So how does EFT work?

Realize first, that there are many ways to tap on the meridian and chakras (both of these are ancient energy systems), including on acupoints: acupressure/acupuncture points. There are 360 classically described points of entry into the meridian energy system and there are additional supporting points-about 400 points altogether.

Acupuncture points or acupoints exhibit lower electrical resistance and impedance. Research using functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) have suggested certain traditional acupuncture points may be linked to the activation of specific centers in the brain, as well as lymphatic and endocrine systems in the body, and may present an explanation for their association with specific medical conditions in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Using Meridian Therapies, the energies of the body are regulated by manipulating acupoints on the body. This has effects on the emotions, tension and physical conditions. In using the Meridian Energy Therapy called EFT, we manipulate the acupoints by tapping holding or sometimes just putting our conscious attention on these points, while thinking about or verbalizing what is bothering us or what we want to attain.

We often use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing) with EFT Tapping, which is…among other things…a method of looking at things, events, circumstances, in different ways than the way our body originally interpreted and programed the initial event. You see,  an event that shocked and traumatized a small child such as a parent shouting at them for some wrongdoing…was likely interpreted by that startled child as: I am not lovable, or I am not good, or I am not worthy.

Enough of these traumas and reinforcing events as the child grows up, confirms the negative belief in the person and becomes a limiting belief. Any and all things that we do, or goals that we attempt, are thereafter filtered through the network of limiting beliefs that have been programed into our subconscious mind through our lifetime of how we interpreted our experiences..

EFT; which incorporates many NLP techniques, and works with the emotions and feelings of the originating event that have been “frozen” in the body, and tapping on the Meridian Energy System; has been shown to have extraordinary results for many people throughout the world in changing the way people look at things and in freeing people from frozen negative emotions.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) names Meridians, and the acupoints located on these meridians, after the major organ systems that they most directly nourish. The Meridians that we will be using most in EFT sessions are the: Heart meridian, Small Intestine meridian, Bladder meridian, Kidney meridian, Pericardium /or circulation-sex meridian, Triple Warmer meridian, Gallbladder meridian, Liver meridian, Lung meridian, Large Intestine meridian, Stomach meridian, Spleen meridian, Governing meridian, and Conception /or Central meridian. It is not necessary to know all this information for any Meridian Therapies or EFT to work. It is not even necessary for you to believe it for it to work. This information is for the curious and info-lovers among you.

Rather than identify the meridians by these names, we will for convenience call the points by where they are located: KC( Karate Chop point or SH side of hand), TH(top of head), EB(start of eyebrows or center of forehead and eyebrows), SE(side of eye), UE(under eye), UN(under the nose above lip), CH(chin below lip), CB(collarbone points), UA(under arm hands width below axillary area), Liv(liver point), WR(wrists inside and outside,or the ends of finger points may be used) This is the way scripts will describe where you should tap. This is also the way the chart will identify the points.